Friday, March 6, 2015

Embracing the Living Unpredictable - message to a bride and groom

Here is a brief thought that I shared with a bride and groom this Sunday when I performed their wedding.

We read in the Torah of a decision about a proposition that was deemed too risky to go ahead with. The proposition was a serious long term relationship with a partner who was practically invisible, had done amazing acts of kindness, a real saviour who would do anything, even turning water to blood and overpowering a tyrant dictator of a Pharaoh, but was demanding and unpredictable and given to flaring up in wrath with a serious smiting habit. The pre-nuptial agreement was with the lawyer. She said it needed some work to adequately protect her client. The proposed relationship was between God and the Israelites. Israel decide to explore other options.

Instead they embraced an alternative option which a much lower risk profile. A Golden Calf, it didn’t get angry. It was a golden opportunity, always glowing, absolutely stable and unchanging and moulded exactly as one wanted it! No demands. No smiting.  It was a tragic mistake. It was lifeless! We need to embrace uncertainty, makes mistakes and correct them. Respond with curiosity to our differences. We are on an adventure!

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